Make word searches from your words
Enter your words, press a button and your puzzle is done. Customize how you wish!
Choose from 8 word directions: Up/Down, Left/Right, and 4 diagonal directions
Choose from 5 letter sharing options, everything from words cannot cross or share letters to words can be completely hidden in another word, and everything in between.
Capitalize all of the letters in the grid, none of the letters, only the first letters of the words, or capitalize the first letters and some decoys.
Customize how it prints
Change the title, font, and size
Worksheet options
Fonts and sizes for your word list
Credits: keep the default, customize it, or delete it
Adjust the margins if you don’t like the way it auto formats
Product info
1-2-3 Word Search Maker has been sold since 1999. It is popular among educators and puzzle enthusiasts.
choose from 4 styles of word searches
Standard word search
Word search with hidden message
Word search with clues
Word search with clues and hidden message
use your puzzles several ways
Print as a work sheet
Print multiple copies, each with a different grid of letters to discourage copying
Export as an image
Export as text
Export as html
Save your set up
If you find you make puzzles with similar settings, you can memorize those settings so your puzzle always starts out just the way you like it.
Ready to try it?